How To Trigger a Data Refresh in Power BI

How To Trigger a Data Refresh in Power BI


Welcome to our step-by-step guide on Triggering a Data Refresh in Power BI. Here, we’ll walk you through the essential process of refreshing your data in Power BI, a crucial step to ensure that your reports and dashboards reflect the most current information.


  1. Go to the Power BI Service at Power BI and sign in with your @franklincountyohio.gov email address

  2. Once signed in, click on the Workspaces tab at the left-hand side of the page

  1. Click on the Workspace where your Power BI Report is located

  1. Locate the Power BI Report you want to refresh, and identify the Dataset for the report.

    • The Dataset will have a red icon, and it will be named the same as the report itself

  1. Hover over the dataset, and click on the circular arrow icon to trigger a refresh:

  1. Once this button is clicked, the dataset will begin to refresh.

    • The refresh will take longer to complete the larger the dataset is

    • A loading symbol will spin under the Refreshed column until the refresh is complete

If the Refresh fails, please reach out to the GX Platforms Team for support!

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