New security tools released

New security tools released

Action Required

Please share this information with staff on the Franklin County M365 Tenant. A sample email to send to employees is below.

What is happening?

The Franklin County Data Center (FCDC) is always working to improve data security, whether it be through education, policies, or tools. The FCDC Security Team is implementing new security tools effective today (12/07/2020).

Expected Impact

There are three (3) releases for all users on Franklin County's M365 tenant.

ATP Safe Attachments

This is a native M365 functionality that scans any file attachment upon delivery in any M365 application (e.g., Outlook, OneDrive, and/or Teams). The scan is to detect and isolate nefarious file attachments that could cause harm to the environment.

As mentioned above, file attachments will be scanned upon receipt. Most attachment scans will occur unbeknownst to users. If a user is trying to access a file attachment and a scan is in process, a message will be displayed until it is complete. The time needed for the scan is simply moments. In the unfortunate event, that danger is present the item will automatically be removed from the user's workspace and reported to the FCDC security team.

ATP Safe Links

Also native to M365, Safe Links works the same as ATP Safe Attachments. To increase protection in the environment, this tool scans URLs that are sent to users through email, Teams, etc.

KnowBe4 Phish Alert

This add-on button is specific for Outlook. Users are now enabled to report a suspected phishing attack easily. All email headers will include a button. When clicked, the selected email is sent to the security team for evaluation and the email gets deleted from the user’s inbox.

Sample Communication

Dear Staff,

The Franklin County Data Center (FCDC) is always working to improve data security, whether it be through education, policies, or tools. The FCDC Security Team is implementing three (3) new security tools effective today (12/07/2020).

1. File Attachment Scans: The Microsoft 365 environment will automatically scan attachments for anything nefarious. If found, the system will isolate, remove, and notify the FCDC Security Team. Scans occur upon delivery of the item. Therefore, interruptions caused by the scanning process should be limited. During the scan, a message will display until the process is complete, then the file is accessible.

2. Hyperlink (URL) Scans: Just like file attachments, URL scanning will happen automatically to any link that gets sent. If found, the system will isolate, remove, and notify the FCDC Security Team. Also, like attachments, interruptions will be minimal. If a user tries to access a URL during a scan, a message will display until the process is complete.

3. Report Phishing Button in Outlook: Now users can instantly remove and report suspicious emails by clicking a button. From Outlook, select the questionable email, and then click the Phish Button in the Outlook ribbon. Once clicked, the email will be removed, and a notification will be sent to the FCDC Security Team. See am image of the Phish button below:

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Communication Plan

There are no other communications planned for this topic. However, if you have additional questions, please use the contact information below.

FCDC Business Services

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