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  • How to switch from Basic to Modern Authentication on your smartphone, tablet, or other device

    What’s happening?

    On October 1, 2022, Microsoft is making a security change that will impact any device using “Basic Authentication” (a simple username + password combination) to access County email, calendars, and other Office 365 resources.

    Smartphones, tablets, or other devices and apps using “Basic” authentication will suddenly stop connecting to County email and more if they aren’t updated ahead of the change.

    How do I avoid this problem?

    Our best and simplest recommendation is that County users should install and use the native Outlook app on their personal and work devices.

    Outlook uses Modern Authentication by default and will continue working through the October 1 security change.

    Alternatively, anyone still using Basic authentication with built-in or alternative apps may need to delete their email settings and setup access once again using the Modern Authentication model.

    We have instructions for most situations available below.

    Outlook is recommended, but users still have the option to use most native or alternative apps.

    How do I know if my device is using Basic Authentication?

    Most people don’t know if their device is using Basic auth. But odds are you’re a Basic user if any of these scenarios are true or sound familiar:

    • you have a particularly old device or old apps

    • when you setup your email, you never saw a Microsoft logo presented, asking you to login

    • you manually configured your email app with specific server names or settings

    How do I set up apps to use Modern Authentication?

    Step-by-step guides for iOS / iPadOS and common Android apps are available and linked below.

    Android is a huge ecosystem with lots of manufacturers, OS versions, and apps. We have shared some recent OS / common app setup instructions, but your specific device or app may not be shown. In those cases, refer to your app instructions or simply switch to Microsoft’s own Outlook app.

    iOS and Android Modern Auth Upgrade Guides